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    M. Brownell Anderson Award from the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs

    We are delighted to announce the 2023 Brownie Award recipients from the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs, Dr. Jeffrey J.H. Cheung.

    Dr. Jeffrey J.H. Cheung, 2023 Brownie Award recipient

    Jeffrey J.H. Cheung, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Education, University of Illinois College of Medicine
    Chair, CGEA Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE), AAMC

    Jeffrey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and the Chair of the CGEA MESRE Section of the AAMC. He received his PhD in Medical Sciences and HBSc in Neuroscience from the University of Toronto, where he also completed a research fellowship at The Wilson Centre for Research in Education as the Richard and Elizabeth Currie Research Fellow.

    Jeffrey's research focuses on technology-enabled learning (e.g., simulation-based training), where he uses quantitative and experimental methods to examine and critique how these technologies affect learning processes and outcomes. Through his work, he aims to clarify the relationship between learners’ cognition and the curricula they experience, and how educators can design learning experiences that better prepare learners for the ambiguity they will encounter in their future clinical practice.

    As an educator, Jeffrey teaches and supervises trainees in the MHPE program at the Department of Medical Education. Through his role as CGEA MESRE Chair, he is working actively with the community to build capacity and support rigorous and diverse medical education research.